In 1934, Matsutaro Shoriki, known as Japan’s father of professional baseball, invited an American all-star team to compete against a Japanese squad at Meiji Jingu Stadium. Right-wing nationalists attempted to assassinate Shoriki with a broadsword for allowing Americans to play in the stadium. One of those Americans was Babe Ruth, and Meiji Jingu Stadium is one of the few places in existence where Ruth played ball. Head to the stands for the revered stadium’s annual fireworks festival, or enjoy any of the other myriad events happening in Tokyo during the action-packed, three-day holiday weekend.

Fireworks display at Jingu Gaien stadium in Tokyo

Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festival 2019

Get the best view of the 12,000 fireworks and live music performances from inside the stadium – with the purchase of tickets. For free viewing, join the festival atmosphere outside.


Asakusa Toro Nagashi

Decorate a lantern, make a wish and send it floating down the Sumida River at dusk to participate in one of Japan’s most ethereal summer traditions.

Rock in Japan Fes 2019

Head north to Ibaraki for a second weekend (this time three days – yay Mountain Day!) for the biggest J-pop and J-rock festival of the summer. Headliners include Bump of Chicken, Glim Spanky, Acidman and much more.

The human hydrangea is a haunted house in Kamakura

Human Hydrangea

The horror creator group KYOUI transformed a vacant house on Yuigahama Street in Kamakura into a limited-time haunted house devoted to an odd tale mixing local folklore with modern theatrics.

The Sounds of Garden rooftop display at Ginza Six

Ginza Six Rooftop Orchestra “Sounds of the Garden” Installation

Ginza Six transforms their rooftop garden into a concert hall. Watch music take the form of art, fashion, and technology at this interactive experience.

NNT Drama Studio Reading Performance: “Himeyuri”

New National Theatre’s next generation of actors present a reading performance of “Himeyuri,” based on the Himeyuri Students Corps mobilized in the Battle of Okinawa during World War II.

Tokyo Romantic Flea Market

This market in Shibuya Garden Tower specializes in antique and vintage items from all over the world, including quality handicrafts, fine art, organic food and more.

Untitled, oil on canvas, 103.5 x 73 cm, 2019 Photo: Kei Okano ©2019 Izumi Kato

Izumi Kato: “Like a Rolling Snowball”

By bringing together some 100 pieces, including never-before-shown work, this exhibition at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art provides a comprehensive overview of Izumi Kato’s career spanning a quarter of a century.