An Adorable Onigiri Experience
The popular character series “Nandemo Ikimono” has opened their very own pop up onigiri shop at Rayard Miyashita Park.
Created by illustrator and character designer Yuri Yokomizo, Nandemo Ikimono literally translates to “anything living.” Yokomizo previously worked as the artist behind another popular series, “Sumikko Gurashi,” while working at San-X Co. before working as a freelance artist.
The Onigiriyasan pop up revolves around one of the series’ characters, Nori Onigiri, a rice ball. The shop will serve onigiri with several topping options along with exclusive merchandise.
Menu Selections
The menu is divided into two sections, A and B. Customers can select one onigiri from the A selection and one onigiri from the B selection for ¥990. Toppings include pickled plum, tuna mayonnaise, salmon, tempura shrimp, egg and salmon roe. Customers are limited to ordering six onigiri (3 sets) per person per transaction.
Onigiriyasan’s exclusive Nendemo Ikimono merchandise includes buttons, keychains, file folders, T-shirts, tote bags and plushies featuring the onigiri character. Customers are limited to buy up to 11 trading buttons and up to six acrylic keychains.