JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is an anime that’s known for a lot of things, including its incredibly stylish characters. In this latest collaboration with anime apparel brand, Mayla, you can now strut your stuff like a JoJo protagonist on a fashion runway.

all jojo shoes part 5 golden wind

Stylish Golden Wind Shoes

The shoes are specifically inspired by characters from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, which is the 5th part in the overarching JoJo’s series. There are seven pumps in total which each represent a character from the show. The shoes themselves are specifically designed so you can feel the aura of each character’s presence throughout your feet. Two variations are available, one with a bow for the ultimate statement piece and one without the bow for a slightly more subtle look.

The upper of each shoe bears a symbolic reference to each character’s costume. For example, the pink Trisha Una shoe has a checkered pendant with mathematical symbols that look exactly like the pattern on her skirt. The insoles have a uniquely designed JoJo’s original logo designed by Mayla with the colors also representing the character That’s truly attention to detail.

These shoes aren’t coming in just any old shoe box. The products will be delivered in a limited edition box with an intricate design on the front that accurately captures the Golden Wind vibe and spirit. You can also open up the box top fully which reveals all seven of the characters that are part of this collaboration. As an extra gift, fans will also receive a Polaroid-style card which corresponds to the character shoe that you’ve chosen.

Where to Buy JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure x Mayla Shoes

Each pair of JoJo’s shoes will set you back around ¥28,160 for the bowless version and ¥30,800 for the full design. The shoes are currently available on a preorder basis, and can be reserved on the Aitaikuji website.

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