If March left you feeling restless, disoriented or frustrated, April is going to bring a much-needed (and much-deserved) change of pace. With Mercury and Venus stationing direct in the first half of this month, we’ll finally get to put the whirlwind of eclipse and retrograde season behind us, and lean into the energy of springtime and Aries season.
Mercury goes direct on April 7, and Venus retrograde finally comes to a close on the 12th, which (hopefully) means less miscommunication, more clarity on what actually matters and a general shift towards embracing the romantic whims of life. Later in the month, Mercury enters Aries and Mars enters Leo. These major fiery transits will cause a surge in energy and confidence. Allow the cosmos to embolden and motivate you — just beware that you might be quicker to speak your mind than usual.
The fiery energy of Aries and Leo will get some grounding as the sun enters Taurus on April 19. The final wisps of uncertainty from March will blow over with a gorgeous new moon in Taurus on the 27th; the path to making your dreams a reality might become clearer.
Manifest, dare to dream and take action this month. The universe is handing you all the tools molded from fire and earth to set you up for success.
Keep reading below for your sign’s monthly horoscope, and make sure to check both your sun and rising signs.
Aries April Horoscope
Happy birthday, Aries! Bask in the warmth of your solar return. It’s prime time for you to keep your eyes on the prize and lock in on your priorities. With Mercury entering your sign on April 16 and your ruling planet Mars charging into fellow fire sign Leo on the 18th, you’ll notice a surge of energy and motivation that will continue even as we transition out of Aries season. At the end of the month, Venus enters your home sign; let the planet of beauty and love enhance your innate charm, and beckon in this time of new beginnings.
Taurus April Horoscope
First and foremost, you’re doing amazing, Taurus. With your ruling planet Venus retrograde, you might have been feeling off your game or easily overwhelmed for the past month. Things will still feel hectic throughout April, but you’ll get a better grasp on striking a balance between self-care and networking at this time. In the latter half of the month, you’ll welcome your solar return, and the new moon in your home sign on April 27 will be pivotal for you. This is an advantageous time to reset, refresh and reconfigure a more harmonious lifestyle.
Gemini April Horoscope
You’re getting back on track this month, Gemini. With your ruling planet Mercury stationing direct on April 7 in your 10th house of career and long-term goals, you’ll feel your natural sociability and charm return to you, especially in your professional life. Take this opportunity to network and nurture your more ambitious plans.
Cancer April Horoscope
Let yourself explore and expand this month, Cancer. With both Mercury and Venus stationing direct in your 9th house of travel and philosophy, you’ll find inspiration and joy in wandering — both physically and mentally. This April, answer calls of wanderlust and follow fascinating trains of thought wholeheartedly.
Leo April Horoscope
April will be a month where you can finally unleash the bold and bright lion that you are, Leo. As Venus and Mercury go direct, you’ll get a fresh perspective on relationships and how you share your energy with others. Later this month, action planet Mars enters your home sign, propelling you into action and igniting your fiery passion. This month, allow yourself to lean into your natural drive and trust your instincts. Charge forward with the things that truly excite you.
Virgo April Horoscope
This month will bring lessons about how to trust and accept help and care from the people around you, Virgo. With Mercury and Venus going direct in your 7th house of relationships and equality, you’ll recalibrate your perspective on how you connect with the people you love and admire. With the sun and new moon in Taurus later this month, there will be a lot of earth energy to ground you; trust the universe and the relationships you’ve built, and learn to accept as much care as you give out.
Libra April Horoscope
You’ve been putting in the work, Libra, and April heralds in a more relaxed period where you can recalibrate and work towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Mark your calendar for April 12: With both the new moon in your home sign and your ruling planet Venus going direct in your 6th house of health and habits, the mid-month lunar event is a pivotal date that brings some balance into your life. Be selfish; do what you actually want instead of working for others, and decline invitations you’re not interested in and use that time to take care of yourself.
Scorpio April Horoscope
Make space for the little joys in life this month, Scorpio. Mercury and Venus go direct in your 5th house of love and creativity, whisking away creative blocks and uplifting your mood. Later in the month, Mars — one of your ruling planets — moves into fiery Leo, giving you a surge of motivation to take action. Enjoy the feeling of having hot wheels and let yourself manifest your creative vision for your personal and professional life.
Sagittarius April Horoscope
This month, take time to re-establish your sense of home and belonging, Sag. It’ll be the key to leaning into your creativity and innate curiosity. Mercury and Venus go direct in your 4th house of family and self-care; anchor yourself by having open communication with your chosen family and taking care of yourself. Rest and trusting your intuition will go a long way. Later this month, Mars enters fellow fire sign Leo in your 9th house of adventure and philosophy. You’re the adventurer of the zodiac for a reason; go out into the world and feed your curiosity.
Capricorn April Horoscope
Feel the confidence return to you this month, Cap. Venus and Mercury go direct in your 3rd house of the mind and communication, so you can take all that you’ve learned about patience this retrograde season and charge forward with your personal and professional goals. With action planet Mars entering fiery Leo later this month, you’re an arrow being drawn back by the cosmic bow — let your creativity soar.
Aquarius April Horoscope
If you feel like you’ve been spending more time than usual in your head, this month will allow you to expand your wanderings to the physical realm, too. The full moon on April 12 illuminates your 9th house of travel and philosophy. Go on a spontaneous day trip and lean into the things that bring an unexpected surge of energy.
Pisces April Horoscope
This month, you’re empowered to be your own best advocate, Pisces. You’ll feel a boost in confidence as both Venus and Mercury go direct in your home sign; mental and emotional fogs will start to blow over. Later this month, Mars enters your 6th house of health and systems. Use this period of clarity to set up healthy habits and protect your energy and well-being.