February is the final stretch of colder weather here in Tokyo, right before the renaissance of springtime. The temperature isn’t the only thing about to undergo a dramatic shift, though – action planet Mars has been retrograde since early December, and it’ll go direct on February 24, slingshotting us into an astrologically significant period. With both a solar and lunar eclipse in March 2025, February will be best spent mentally preparing for possible upheaval.
That isn’t to say there will be no action in February, though. Between Valentine’s Day and the last breath of cuffing season, February is truly the month of love. On February 4, romantic Venus enters spicy Aries and lucky Jupiter goes direct, revamping our love lives and allowing us to liberally indulge our more spontaneous and audacious tendencies. Adding to the fiery vibes, we also have a full moon in bold Leo on February 12, igniting our zest for life.
We’ll have a dreamy second half of the month, as chatty Mercury enters creative Pisces on Valentine’s Day, and we’ll swim into Pisces season on the 18th. Indulge your creative whimsies and be playful. Whether you have a romantic interest or not, let yourself see life through rose-colored glasses. Write poetry, sing in the rain and get your cuddles in — it’s going to be spring before you know it.
Keep reading below for your sign’s monthly horoscope, and make sure to check both your sun and rising signs.
Aquarius February Horoscope
Happy birthday, Aquarius! You have a reputation for being a little quirky and distant when it comes to love, but we can’t forget that Valentine’s Day falls during your season. This month, love planet Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and the mind, bringing a surge of creativity and playfulness to your inner life and how you express yourself. The mid-month full moon illuminates your 7th house of relationships, clarifying what it is you require in your partnerships and emboldening you to speak up about your needs. Spend the month luxuriating in your mind palace, and enjoy the month of love with a creative date that’s uniquely you.
Pisces February Horoscope
This is the month to reclaim your uniqueness, Pisces. As you welcome your solar return in the second half of February, you’ll step into your power — both the sun and Mercury will be in your home sign. You’ll feel in tune with your sense of self, and you’re more likely to feel understood. The new moon on February 27 is also in your sign, allowing for a powerful reset to recalibrate your goals for the next year. Take advantage of this time to unleash your creativity; indulge in your network of loved ones and try some creative writing.
Aries February Horoscope
Nurture your fiery passion this month, Aries. You’ll feel a romantic and creative boost early in the month as Venus graces your home sign on February 4. The full moon on the 12th in fellow fire sign Leo illuminates your 5th house of romance, further clarifying your romantic and creative needs. Take full advantage of the month of love by going on a thoughtful date — with your special someone, your bestie or even just yourself.
Taurus February Horoscope
This month is all about family and peers for you, Taurus. The mid-month full moon lights up your 4th house of home and belonging, encouraging you to reflect on how the people around you make you feel — do they ground you and bring out your best self? Later this month, the planets line up in your 11th house of friendships and wishes. Enjoy the more lighthearted and social energy this time will bring, and go do something fun with your besties.
Gemini February Horoscope
If 2025 has felt like it was off to a slow start, things are about to pick up speed for you, Gemini. Jupiter, the planet of luck and fortune, has been retrograde in your sign since last October. It’s finally going direct on February 4. On the same day, Venus blazes into your 11th house of social groups, allowing you to embrace your naturally friendly personality and feel excited for new connections. Take joy in the people around you and get a drink with your friends, new and old.
Cancer February Horoscope
This is the month where things will be set into motion for you, Cancer, and your dreams may be realized. Jupiter goes direct in your 12th house of spirituality on February 4, connecting you to your subconscious — just in time for dreamy Pisces season (a fellow water sign!). With the sun and Mercury illuminating your 9th house of philosophy and travel, you’ll feel the universe’s lessons flow through you effortlessly. Finally, Mars goes direct in your home sign on the 23rd. All the inner reflection you’ve done this month will translate into action; go big and live your dreams.
Leo February Horoscope
Treat yourself to a solo trip this month, Leo. Venus graces your 9th house of travel and philosophy, giving you a bout of wanderlust. The people around you might not be eager to join you on a spontaneous escapade, but don’t let that stop you; a lot can be learned from some quality time spent alone. Mid-month, there’s a full moon in your home sign. This is a good time for expressing gratitude to your past self while working towards the version of yourself you strive to be.
Virgo February Horoscope
February is the first full month with the south node in your home sign. You might be starting to feel the beginnings of a new philosophical perspective, or a new and surprising self-image. You might also be feeling an added layer of vulnerability with Venus illuminating your 8th house of merging and intimacy. Opening up to your loved ones is not a sign of weakness — rather, it becomes the foundation to your strength. Be brave, Virgo; transformation awaits you.
Libra February Horoscope
This month, your network is everything for you, Libra. Your ruling planet Venus illuminates your 7th house of relationships on February 4, giving you a boost of energy to pour into your romantic and platonic connections. Later this month, the planets align in your 6th house of work habits and health — find moments of collaboration that feel exciting, and implement a health routine that energizes you.
Scorpio February Horoscope
Creativity and excitement will naturally flow in your professional life this month, Scorpio. Venus will enter your 6th house of work habits, allowing you to romanticize your work life and daily habits. Beautify your office space and chat with your coworkers during this transit. Later this month, as we enter Pisces season, you’ll feel another burst of energy as the planets percolate in your 5th house of romance and creativity. Let your childlike enthusiasm pour out to yourself and the people who surround you.
Sagittarius February Horoscope
Things are about to start feeling romantic and real dreamy, Sag. Flirty Venus enters your 5th house of romance on February 4, and you’ll be feeling playful. Pair that with your ruling sign Jupiter going direct, and everything might feel magical for you. Nothing is cringe once you accept everything about yourself; embrace the month of love and all its joyous gifts by being unabashed. Go on dates, mingle and spread your natural enthusiasm for life. Later this month, in Pisces season, your priorities will shift to your home. Get grounded while reflecting on what “home” means to you.
Capricorn February Horoscope
Nurture your connection with your chosen family and enjoy the gift of communication this month, Cap. Venus will be highlighting your 4th house of family and emotional foundations, giving you a surge of love for your home and the people that helped raise you. Later this month, in Pisces season, the limelight will be on your 3rd house of communication and social activity. Reflect on how you want to present yourself, uplift the people around you and delight in how easily words come to you during this period.