Celebrating 30 Years of Detective Conan

Commemorate the 30th anniversary of Gosho Aoyama’s hit manga Detective Conan, by dining at one of six nation-wide collaboration cafes! Held in Tokyo, Osaka, Aichi, Fukuoka, Miyagi and Hokkaido, the “Detective Conan 30th Anniversary Cafe” will craft dishes taken directly from the series as well as sell a variety of goods related to this momentous occasion.

From chirashi sushi to an afternoon tea set, all of these food items will have you reminiscing some of the manga’s most iconic moments. You can also order an entire strawberry pound cake that looks exactly like the 30th anniversary key visual. Don’t miss out on an incredible merchandise line up including badges, acrylic keychains, stickers and magnets that depict the master detective throughout the years.

Detective Conan 30th Anniversary Cafe Details and Location