Internationally renowned Japanese taiko drumming group, Drum Tao, makes a triumphant return, for a powerful live newly adapted and exclusively available to see only in Tokyo. Following a sell-out world tour, Drum Tao is set to perform “The Tao: Mugenkyo” on the stage of Tokyo IMM for seven heart-pounding performances, bringing the Japanese drumming tradition to life in a way that only Drum Tao knows.
The troupe has gained over 10 million fans worldwide and even performed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada.
It’s difficult to describe a Drum Tao show — you can only understand it by seeing them perform live. Head down and get ready to be invigorated by the group’s percussive energy, as they drum their way through each kinetic performance.
Performance Schedule
Feb 1, 18:30 – ¥9,800
Feb 2, 14:30 – ¥11,000
Feb 2, 18:30 – ¥9,800
Feb 3, 13:00 – ¥12,000
Feb 3, 17:00 – ¥12,000
Feb 4, 12:00 – ¥12,000
Feb 4, 15:30 – ¥12,000
Read TW’s exclusive interview with Drum Tao.