I think it’s fair to say that even the most devout Tokyoite will concede that summer in the city can often be more attritional than enjoyable. While summer matsuri, hanabi and ice-cold beers can take the edge off the tropical humidity, the relentless heat and sticky nights make us yearn for cooler climes. Despite this, there’s a certain charm to Tokyo’s summer struggles. The communal griping over the oppressive weather, the shared relief of a sudden evening breeze and the city’s collective love of summer foods and festivals — all create a unique camaraderie among residents and visitors alike.

In this issue of TW, our dedicated team has been hard at work to bring you a multitude of ways to make the most of your summer. From exploring the “Paradise Next Door” of the stunning Awa region in Chiba to indulging in the historic highballs of the newest addition to the Tokyo cocktail scene, we’ve tried to offer something for every palate.

These articles will be appearing on the website over the next month, but in the meantime, you can read the entire issue here: