The father of the victim of a brutal gang rape in New Delhi said he wants her daughter’s name made public to serve as an inspiration to victims of sexual assault amid growing calls to identify the woman.
“We want the world to know her real name,” the woman’s father told the UK’s Sunday People newspaper.
“I am proud of her. Revealing her name will give the courage to other women who have survived these attacks. They will find strength from my daughter.”
Identifying victims of sex crimes is generally prohibited under Indian law, to protect the victims against deep-seated social stigma associated with rape. But the outpouring grief and anger over the death of the victim has pressured authorities to name the woman.
The father told Reuters he had no objections to the media using his daughter’s name. Rajiv Mohan, a prosecutor in the case, said the police and prosecution still had no intention of revealing her identity.
“Even if family members have given their permission to disclose the victim’s identity for a greater cause, we can’t disclose her identity, Mohan told Reuters.
Five men have been charged with gang rape and murder of the 23-year old physiotherapy student who died in a Singapore hospital two weeks after she was sexually assaulted in a moving bus. The suspects will appear in a New Delhi court on Monday. Another suspect will be tried in juvenile court, according to police.