Wakayama Prefectural Police recently announced that Claudio Worm, a 21-year-old tourist from Germany who arrived in Japan a month ago, has gone missing. He reportedly entered Japan on September 21, spending the first few days in Tokyo. On September 30, he moved to Wakayama Prefecture, where he had accommodation booked until October 10. His last contact with his family was also on October 10. At around 5 a.m., he sent pictures of his travels to his mother via a social media site. He hasn’t been heard from since then.  

Worm’s Passport and Cellphone Found Near Wakayamashi Station

The evening after Worm messaged his mother, security camera footage captured a man matching his appearance walking near Nankai Electric Railway’s Wakayamashi Station. His passport and cellphone were found nearby. On October 15, an acquaintance of Worm’s father contacted Wakayama Prefectural Police, saying, “The son of a friend living in Germany went on a trip to Japan, but has not yet returned to Germany even though school has started.” Worm was due to restart classes at his university in Germany on October 12.  A missing persons report was filed on October 17. 

Description of Claudio Worm 

According to the police, Worm is approximately 172 centimeters tall with blond hair (though it looks dark in his pictures) and a medium build. He was last seen via the security footage wearing whitish pants, a black long-sleeved shirt and white sneakers. He was also carrying a black bag. Appeals have been made by some his friends on X. Persons with information on his whereabouts are asked to call the Wakayama Prefectural Police Personal Safety Division at 073-423-0110 or the Nishi Police Station at 073-424-0110. 

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