A middle school girl tragically lost her life and a male classmate was seriously injured in a sudden stabbing incident at a fast-food restaurant in Kitakyushu’s Kokuraminami ward on the night of December 14. Police are still searching for the attacker, who fled the scene.
The tragedy unfolded in just 30 seconds at the McDonald’s 322 Tokuriki store in Kokuraminami ward. According to police investigations, the suspect — a man believed to be in his 40s — entered the restaurant around 8 p.m., bypassing customers near the front of the line. He headed straight to the end of the line, where he stabbed two junior high school students — a boy and a girl — before fleeing.
Victims Targeted Without Warning
The victims, both aged 15, were returning from cram school at the time of the attack. The girl, identified as Saaya Nakashima from Kokuraminami ward’s Shii district, was stabbed in the abdomen. Her male classmate sustained a deep wound to the waist, which authorities said could have easily been fatal. Both were rushed to the hospital, but Nakashima succumbed to blood loss. The boy remains hospitalized, stating he was attacked by “a complete stranger.”
Police described the suspect as a man in his 40s, who is approximately 170 centimeters tall. He was wearing a gray jacket, black pants and yellowish shoes at the time of the attack. Authorities are analyzing security camera footage from the area to track his movements. So far, the murder weapon has not been located.
Community Reacts to a Gruesome Crime
The attack shocked the local community, with parents and educators expressing concern over the safety of their children. On December 16, the first weekday following the attack, Fukuoka Prefectural Police increased patrols around schools during morning hours to reassure parents and students.
“The sound of the sirens was overwhelming — it was shocking,” said a local resident. “When the patrol cars started arriving one after another, the noise was intense. It’s scary. We’ve never heard of anything like this happening around here.”
“The children are terrified,” said another resident. “Today, we aren’t going outside at all. The fact that the attacker hasn’t been caught yet is the most unsettling thing — we don’t know where he is.”
The unprovoked nature of the assault raises questions about the attacker’s motive. Investigators believe the suspect deliberately targeted the victims based on his actions upon entering the restaurant. Whether this was a random act of violence or a planned attack remains a critical line of inquiry.