Welcome to Eternal Tokyo, a hub for all things related to Japan’s bustling capital. With centuries of rich history and a vibrant culture that fuses ancient traditions with avant-garde trends, Tokyo is a singular, endlessly fascinating place — but with so much to do and see, it can get overwhelming.
With Eternal Tokyo, we’ll help you get to the heart of the mesmerizing metropolis so you can immerse yourself fully in all that the city has to offer: culture and history, world-class food and drinks and shops that sell everything from kimono to craft beer. It’s a city like no other, where you can find a traditional restaurant that’s existed since the Edo era sitting alongside an art gallery showcasing the latest in digital installations, where neon lights and Shinto shrines coexist in perfect harmony. We invite you to experience the true Tokyo with expert guides to local culture and curated recommendations. Join us, and weave through the city’s streets and back alleys to see Japan’s capital with new eyes.
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